Thursday, March 29, 2012


So the hunger games smashed its predicated box office openings. Making a total of £4.9M, on its first week. It has now come second in best ever box office opening with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, in the front.....hmmmmmm

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Gods Are at War!

Cant wait for the film....WRATH OF THE TITANS.
Many people after seeing the trailer for this sequel are expecting this to be a box office flop. But I shall not make a speedy judgment. Saw good use of film PR, in ShortList today. A character profile, of all main, characters. This is a good idea because it introduces all the new characters in the sequel to the public. Hmm....we shall see!

Monday, March 19, 2012

George gets the Cuff

HAHA, I cant stop cracking up.
Not at the fact that George Clooney got arrested outside the Sudanese Embassy.
But at the fact, that not only is he an A-list actor but now an activist as well ( talk about Jack of all trades).
I don't have much to say about the matter, but there has been speculation as to whether or not this is for real, or just a cunning PR scam.  To be honest il go with the first thought, I'm struggling to understand why Clooney would want to up his profile, his already one of the most famous faces on TV.
I don`t no........ maybe he was bored, and his PR people decided its time his shown in a more humanitarian light, rather than the womanizing A-list we normally see him as??

John Carter + My humble Opinion

Heya so last week I was going to write a little review on the john carter film, I'm sorry im writing it late.

Sooo...the film was interesting. Having herd that it was a book first and it was written in 1912; its bbasically the godfather of all sci- fi films. So on that merit alone if your a sci fi  fan you have to see it.
The flim itself made good use of special effects, the actors were good ( though the princess was a little annoying, and looked slightly like ZInna  the warrior princess not a bad thing). So your thinking what was the bad thing about the film..... Well ill tell you. It was slightly cliqshe, not the whole film but some, only some of the lines were cliqshe. But apart from that it was pretty good.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Post Nombre Uno

Hi all this is my very first blog.....just getting used to Blogger so bare with moi.
On this blog im going to be talking about a variety of things in the media/ and on occasions pr stories (only the ones of serious interest though).
But in general anything really that catches my media interests. Since im a bit of a movies gweeeek, ill also be giving my thoughts on some of the latest movies Ive watched. 


First topic of interest that caught my attention this week....Joseph Kony, he has been the main news focus these last couple of days. For those of you who haven't herd of him ill briefly summarize. Joseph Kony is a Uganda guerilla leader of the LRA, and is currently number 1 on the International Criminal Court list. For crimes against the people like kidnapping children and using them as soldiers, prostitution, and selling children in the sex slave industry.......
 So as many of you know an activist group called the invisible children made a video against this man, ( Il attach the video link) trying to get everyone to support his arrest.
On a PR point of view the invisible children propelled the video very well using social media it currently has 50 million hits.
What are your thoughts on this from a PR angle ?

Il be blogging every week, so stay tuned and thanks for reading.